Web gradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients

Web gradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients

Web gradients is a free collection of 180 linear gradients. It looks gradients are back again, trends come and go so for those who like to be updated here is an excellent design resource. With a very friendly user interface webgradients.com provides a cool and practical collection of 180 beautifull gradients available in CSS3. The process is very simple, you choose the gradient and you can copy the CSS, or you can get the gradient in .PNG format. They also offer this gradient packs for Sketch & Photoshop. It's available for free : ) Credits for: https://itmeo.com/      Read more
MUI – CSS framework that follows Google’s Material Design

MUI – CSS framework that follows Google’s Material Design

MUI is a lightweight CSS framework that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. It was designed from the ground up to be fast, small and developer friendly. MUI is heavily influenced by Bootstrap, Polymer, and Ink as well as some of the popular Material Design frameworks (Materialize, Material-Bootstrap, Material UI). To encourage developers to hack on MUI, the source code for MUI is open-source under an MIT license. And if you want you can join them, they are looking for engineers and designers, in particular they're looking for help with the following: UI/UX ReactJS WebComponents…Read more
Collection of animated preloaders all in CSS

Collection of animated preloaders all in CSS

On the other day in a project I was working on, a preloader was needed, and as usual the time wasn't much to create a fancy preloader, besides that, doing it as a gif has some issues like for instance having a perfect match with the background. It was time to do it all in CSS. After some digging I found this spectacular site with a collection of cool loading animations all in CSS wonderfully done by Tobias Ahlin. The source is all there shared in a simple site with examples all animated with a beautiful design.…Read more